Clint + Kristin

Aubrey and I had the privilege of filming Clint and Kristin's wedding this past February, and it was such a fantastic time. Clint and Kristin are such a sweet couple, and it was so fun to watch them interact and see the love and excitement in their eyes. It was an unseasonably warm February, and the weather couldn't have been more perfect on their wedding day. The ceremony took place at Mosaic Church in Durham, in an area that, coming from Winston Salem, reminded me a lot of Ardmore with large beautiful oak trees and old historic homes. The reception that followed was at the magnificent Rickhouse, a newer venue in the more artsy district of Durham, right near some excellent establishments such as the Pit and the co-working space the Mercury House (incidentally, where I have filmed before, see Taste and See NC). This wedding reminded me of everything I love about North Carolina, aka awesome BBQ and warm February nights. Seriously. The food was SO good, and it felt like a warm Spring day. The atmosphere was incredibly cozy and the night was just so beautiful between the touching toasts from the bride and groom's sister and brother, respectively, to the sweet daddy-daughter dance. And then, of course, the party really got started when they came on to the dance floor and, man, these guys can dance. They exited the party to an explosively fun row of sparklers, and what I really loved is that they took their time! Seriously, people rush through the exit and there's hardly enough time to film them let alone for them to savor it. But savor it they did, with a kiss and a swoop halfway through and a slow jog as if they had just completed a marathon. Send-offs are my favorite and theirs was so good. What I love about video is that you get to relive those moments over and over again. The day was a success, and we left with happy hearts and full stomachs. A good time was had by all. 

Clint and Kristin, thanks for letting us be there for you and we wish you all the best in your marriage!

Taste and See NC

One of the joys of being a freelance videographer is that you get to be part of so many interesting people's stories. Take Shayla for example. She called me up because she had a vision. She has such a passion for supporting local businesses, and paired with her day job of being a freelance food journalist which gave her an insider knowledge of the North Carolina food scene, an idea was born. Her idea is a monthly subscription box of hyper-local North Carolina foods. Each month would focus on a different city, and she personally meets with the vendors, selects the products, and puts the boxes together. Talking with her it was apparent that she was passionate about this idea. And I was sold. 

We set out to pitch her vision in a short fundraising video to raise the initial capital for her business. I traveled to Durham, her home city, and we set up shop in a cool cooperative workspace called the Mercury Studio. Inside the studio is a shop called the Makery where they sell exclusively NC-made products. It was the perfect setting to shoot and cast her vision. The staff at Mercury Studio were so chill with us filming there and were even willing to make an Oscar-worthy cameo. 

Of course we had to get a burger from King's Sandwich Shop just down the street, which I must say, was one of the best burgers I've ever had. (Note to self: befriend more food bloggers). 

We wrapped up filming, it was a blast working with Shayla, and I'm excited to share that her business is up and running! I would really encourage you to check out her business and get yourself a box and support local North Carolina businesses. Check it out and subscribe here: